Happy Monday Inspiration: Go Ahead and Take a Break and Relax

“Sometimes, the most productive thing that you can do is to step outside and do nothing... relax and enjoy nature.” ~Melanie Charlene

Feeling like you’ve been staring at something for too long, trying to come up with ideas? Feeling like you’ve hit a wall with a project or a particular goal?

Give yourself the gift of stepping away from whatever it is that is overwhelming or frustrating you, give yourself a few (or many) minutes to relax, to shift focus, to replenish. Find that thing (or things) that will allow your mind and body to feel refreshed. FYI – just because you are an achiever doesn’t mean that you can’t take time to do nothing…..give yourself permission. From personal experience, I know guilt might creep in..…do it anyway. Go ahead and take a break and relax!

What will you do this week to relax your mind and your body?


Are you willing and committed to doing what it takes to achieve your career goals?


Happy Monday Inspiration: Are YOU doing your best?