Happy Monday Inspiration: Go Ahead and Take a Break and Relax
“Sometimes, the most productive thing that you can do is to step outside and do nothing... relax and enjoy nature.” ~Melanie Charlene
Feeling like you’ve been staring at something for too long, trying to come up with ideas? Feeling like you’ve hit a wall with a project or a particular goal?
Give yourself the gift of stepping away from whatever it is that is overwhelming or frustrating you, give yourself a few (or many) minutes to relax, to shift focus, to replenish. Find that thing (or things) that will allow your mind and body to feel refreshed. FYI – just because you are an achiever doesn’t mean that you can’t take time to do nothing…..give yourself permission. From personal experience, I know guilt might creep in..…do it anyway. Go ahead and take a break and relax!
What will you do this week to relax your mind and your body?